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Showing posts with label Electronics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electronics. Show all posts

Saturday 15 March 2014

Textbook Of Electrical Technology by Theraja


A Textbook of Electrical Technology (Volume-2) is an updated and multicolored version of the first volume by authors B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja. Titled AC and DC Machines, this book is a detailed study on the core concepts of Electrical Technology. The book is ideal as reference or examination study material for engineering, diploma or polytechnic students in India. The course covered within the book is also beneficial for international examinations such as City & Guilds, I.E.E., and I.E.R.E. The book has detailed diagrams, solved numerical problems, and answers to questions asked in University examination papers.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Data And Computer Communications by William Stallings


Data and Computer Communications, 8e, is a two-time winner of the best Computer Science and Engineering textbook of the year award from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association. It is ideal for one/two-semester courses in Computer Networks, Data Communications, and Communications Networks in CS, CIS, and Electrical Engineering departments.
With a focus on the most current technology and a convenient modular format, this best-selling text offers a clear and comprehensive survey of the entire data and computer communications field. Emphasizing both the fundamental principles as well as the critical role of performance in driving protocol and network design, it explores in detail all the critical technical areas in data communications, wide-area networking, local area networking, and protocol design.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Digital Electronics - By A.K. Maini


Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications is a comprehensive book covering, in one volume, both the fundamentals of digital electronics and the applications of digital devices and integrated circuits. It is different from similar books on the subject in more than one way. Each chapter in the book, whether it is related to operational fundamentals or applications, is amply illustrated with diagrams and design examples. In addition, the book covers several new topics, which are of relevance to any one having an interest in digital electronics and not covered in the books already in print on the subject.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Communication System by Simon Haykins


This best-selling, easy to read book offers the most complete discussion on the theories and principles behind today's most advanced communications systems. Throughout, Haykin emphasizes the statistical underpinnings of communication theory in a complete and detailed manner. Readers are guided though topics ranging from pulse modulation and passband digital transmission to random processes and error-control coding. The fifth edition has also been revised to include an extensive treatment of digital communications.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Modern Digital And Analog Communication - By B.P.Lathi


Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems is suitable for students with or without prior knowledge of probability theory. Only after laying a solid foundation in how communication systems work do the authors delve into analyses of communication systems that require probability theory and random processes. Revised, expanded, and updated throughout, the fourth edition reflects the many technological advances in the field, such as OFDM and CDMA, pervasive communication applications such as cellular systems, wireless LAN systems, and DSL modem technology services.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Introduction to Electrodynamics- By Griffith


This is a textbook on electricity and magnetism, designed for an undergraduate course at the junior or senior level.This book is known for its clear, concise and accessible coverage of standard topics in a logical and pedagogically sound order. The Third Edition features a clear, accessible treatment of the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory, providing a sound platform for the exploration of related applications (ac circuits, antennas, transmission lines, plasmas, optics, etc.). Its lean and focused approach employs numerous examples and problems. It can be covered comfortably in two semesters, maybe even with room to spare for special topics (AC circuits, numerical methods, plasma physics, transmission lines, antenna theory, etc.)